Sunday, September 30, 2007

all that was left was half of the student's trusty bic pen, the penalty for chewing gum on school grounds had been escalated to specially calibrated laser turrets ever since the principal stepped on a giant wad of gum and lost his shoe.
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the wasps are back and they're bringing their larvae, hey la, hey la, the wasps are back. too many 60s tunes this weekend, or was it 50s.
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the tracker noticed a tack in the leaves, obviously the office worker had panicked and dropped one of his treasured blue tacks. this was a break that only rarely occurred as office workers are notorious horders of all types of surplus supplies.
a very cooperative blue darter on our locust tree...i thought he was dead right up until he wasn't. that was a bit of a surprise. 100-400L doubling as a macro. :)
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waiting for godot...or at least for my daughter to return from a cross country meet. i'm going for the emily dickenson mode today of course since i'm trying to use punctuation that might not be correct either...oh well
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Outdoor scenic from Utah, just kind of liked the colors and the sunlight on the mountain. Couldn't decide if I wanted to take the shot so I may have waited just a bit too long but here it is.
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Okay, so sometimes I go back in time instead of forward. A friend asked about the details on this one so here they are, Core Elements in Grand Junction CO area and yes, we really are all upside down. Except for the bottom right shot. And yes, it really is easier when you are younger, and lighter.
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Missed this one the other night...cropped into it but it was long and was a 'quick' reaction drill on my part. Focus time and capture worked out great. I sharpened a touch just for detail but I was happy with the airborne nature and the ball placement.
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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Okay, this is my other favorite, shot three of a burst on a takedown that looked like it was from a kung fu movie rather than a football game...I was humming the toon to Invincible throughout the game as I played, I mean shot, I mean...well...played. :) They even tried the last play from the movie with the breakout to hit the guy on the punt return...they didn't pull it off though because the punt got blocked. Ooops. :(
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Okay, this guy was Mr. On Fire all day long and you can see his eyes through the lens in this shot...wide open and radar running at least three to five yards ahead of him. BTW, AIServo running saved me some incredible shots as I could see it adjusting on some of the more dynamic moves. It was around 102 degrees, with light breezes and sun drifting toward the west. Much better than last week with the overhead sun at 2PM. Okay, I was really frustrated today but as I look back on yesterday I am thrilled. BTW this is on a 70-200 which made my shutter chatter even faster, it was almost scary. :)
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The DC Knights strut at half time...ISO 3200 under the floods and not too bad. DOF is shallow but I'm shooting wide open. Still makes for a decent shot all in all.
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McConnell takes off on this backfield running play that left the Wildcats in a hurting status. ISO 6400 using AISERVO with center spot tagged as focal point. Does anyone else have that 'weird' problem where even though the center is selected it still lights up an adjacent zone? Otherwise, I loved the shot. Touched up with a bit of sharpening which seems to have smoothed out the 'minimal' noise. Okay, I'm starting to have fun. :)
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Take one at a sports poster for DCHS, I've been shooting their first few games and trying to get a feel for the 'subtleties' of their play. This guy is a rocking JVer.
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I really like the collage feature in Picasa, it's a lot of fun...especially with sessions like todays...:)
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Sunday, September 02, 2007

Well, that's it for tonight...I decided that the best way to share some of these shots was to try our the Lightroom Web Gallery function so here it is, (for boondoggle :)). I hope you enjoy the gallery, it's flash and runs like Autoviewer. I picked a variety of shots from the past 72 hours covering storms, ghost towns, football and a great migrant flower seller out in the middle of the desert by one of the onion farms. He didn't speak english but 2 dollars and a camera landed me some great poses with wonderful light. Have a great rest of the holiday weekend.

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This one is just for fun and dedicated to Duane. An excellent photographer and a great friend, it was fun to spend time just off shooting whatever came by, even if TomTom did let us down a little out in the middle of the desert. He has a great eye and is more faithful to the technical side of shooting than I am...although I am learning. The fact that he provides encouragement and is excited about the success of fellow shooters leaves me with a lot to learn as the balance between uniqueness and creativity among artists often creates competition that he just doesn't display. Here he is at his finest capturing a multitude of stock and fine art shots in the desert with a bit of chimping in between.
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Crunchy gears in Johannesburg, near Garlock. This town was quiet and deserted. It was really great to be able to shoot from the middle of the street and not worry about getting run over. This 'ghost' town is a partly restored and lived in attraction that has some great facades and was wonderful to visit. I have more ideas for this one...
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Found art is an interesting thing, I thought this chair located in the middle of an old ruin on Cantil Road near Garlock was worthy of a photo. Trying out some new equipment and seeing just what comes out is always fun. Duane and I enjoyed a 6 hour long boondoggle to points north and found some really neat shots.
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