Sunday, November 04, 2007

So what does a photographer do on a lazy Saturday afternoon after his new technical aquisitions didn't work out like he wanted? Well, since the wireless printer server didn't serve, and the remote wireless hard drive server wanted to format his hard gotten library of 'everything', and the HUEY colorimeter made everything look green instead of the other way around, I did what any good techie would do...I experimented.

First, I took apart an available and formated hard drive that was old but still functional. this was tricky as finding all the screws (like those hidden under the hard to remove label) is tricky.
Second, I used my handy dandy external hard drive power supply to spin up the disk. Cool in and of itself, once I found out which wires I had accidently disconnected. Third, I asked myself...will it work? So I hooked up the USB port and started copying files to it. What do you know, it worked just fine.

So we watched some videos get copied to it and then played them. There were a few times near the end of the experiment that it seemed to be having problems. It may not last much longer but it certainly was an interesting adventure in techie-dom. My son thought it was very cool but he also thought the video we watched 'I love sky' was hilarious.
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